My Father is Narcissistic: Strategies to Cope with a Narcissistic Father

my father is narcissistic

Dealing with a narcissistic father can be challenging and emotionally draining. It’s important to approach this situation with strategies that help maintain your mental health and emotional well-being. Here are some strategies to help you cope with a narcissistic father, presented in an easy-to-understand manner:

1. Understand Narcissism

First, it helps to understand what narcissism is. A narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. Knowing this can help you realize that your father's behavior is about his issues, not your worth.

2. Set Healthy Boundaries

Setting boundaries is crucial. Decide what behaviors you will not tolerate and communicate them clearly. If he crosses these boundaries, have a plan for how you will respond. This might mean ending a conversation or leaving the room. Remember, it's about protecting your well-being. Here is how you can set healthy boundaries.

  • Be Clear and Consistent: Clearly articulate your boundaries. Consistency in enforcing them teaches him what is acceptable.
  • Protect Your Emotional Space: Boundaries are not just about physical space but also about protecting your feelings and mental health.

3. Limit Exposure

If interactions consistently leave you feeling bad, limit the time you spend with him. This doesn’t mean you don’t love him; it means you’re taking care of your emotional health. Decide beforehand how long visits will last or how often you will call, and stick to it.

4. Find Support

You’re not alone. Seek out friends, family members, or support groups who understand what you’re going through. Sharing your experiences with empathetic people can provide comfort and advice on how to handle challenges.

5. Focus on Your Own Life

Invest in your own interests, hobbies, and relationships. Building a fulfilling life outside of your relationship with your father can boost your self-esteem and happiness. This independence is crucial for your mental health.

6. Respond, Don't React

Narcissists often thrive on creating drama and eliciting emotional reactions. Try to respond to provocations with calmness and detachment. It's not easy, but reacting emotionally gives him the attention and control he seeks. Consider responses like, “I see your point,” or “I’ll think about that,” to keep the peace without agreeing or committing to anything.

To Respond, Don't React

  • Mindfulness and Pause: Practice mindfulness to stay calm in the face of provocation, allowing yourself to pause and choose how to respond.
  • Neutral Responses: Use neutral language to avoid escalating conflicts, keeping your emotional well-being intact.

7. Practice Self-Care

Taking care of your physical and emotional well-being can help you cope better. Exercise, eat healthily, get enough sleep, and engage in activities that relax and rejuvenate you. Self-care is a powerful tool against the stress of dealing with a narcissistic parent.

8. Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, professional guidance is needed to navigate the complex emotions and situations a narcissistic parent can create. A therapist can provide coping mechanisms, emotional support, and help in healing from any trauma or negative impacts.

9. Educate Yourself

educate yourself

Read books, articles, or watch videos about narcissism to understand the disorder better. This knowledge can provide insights into your father's behavior and help you devise strategies to cope effectively. Here is what you can do.

  • Books and Articles: Look for resources written by experts in psychology and narcissistic behavior to gain deeper insights.
  • Workshops and Seminars: Attend workshops or online seminars about narcissism to learn coping strategies and connect with others in similar situations.

10. Use Low-Contact or No-Contact Strategies

In extreme cases, reducing contact to a minimum or even no contact might be necessary for your emotional and mental health. This is a difficult decision and might be the last resort, but it's an option if the relationship is too harmful.

11. Develop Emotional Detachment

Try to detach emotionally from your father’s attempts to manipulate or hurt you. This doesn’t mean you don’t care; rather, you’re protecting your emotional well-being by not letting his actions affect your peace of mind.

12. Practice Forgiveness

Forgiveness is not about condoning the behavior; it's about freeing yourself from the burden of resentment. Forgiving your father can be a personal process that leads to emotional relief and healing, even if the relationship doesn’t change. To practice forgiveness

  • For Your Peace: Forgiveness can lead to inner peace and emotional freedom, even if the relationship remains strained.
  • Letting Go: Forgiving is part of the process of letting go of anger and resentment that can weigh you down.


Dealing with a narcissistic father is undeniably challenging, but with the right strategies, it's possible to maintain your well-being and possibly improve your relationship. Remember to prioritize your mental health, seek support when needed, and protect your emotional space. Every situation is unique, so it’s important to find what works best for you and your well-being.