Rules of Ghosting - A Compassionate Guide

rules of ghosting

Ghosting, the act of ending a relationship by abruptly cutting off all communication without any explanation, has become a prevalent phenomenon in today's dating scene. This method of disappearing without a word, leaving texts unanswered and calls unreturned, is often seen as the easy way out of uncomfortable conversations or confrontations.

However, the impact of ghosting is far from simple. It leaves a trail of confusion, hurt, and unresolved feelings not only for the person who is ghosted but also for the ghoster, who might carry the guilt and discomfort of their actions.

The main purpose of this blog is to shed light on some unwritten rules of ghosting that aim to minimize the harm and confusion caused by this practice, making it a less painful experience for everyone involved.

Rule 1: Be Honest with Yourself and Your Partner

Honesty is the cornerstone of any relationship, whether it's a long-term commitment or a fleeting connection. Communicating your feelings and expectations clearly and respectfully is crucial.

It's about having the courage to say, "This isn't working for me," or "I think we're looking for different things." This level of honesty is far superior to silence or deceit, as it prevents false hopes, resentment, and guilt.

Remember, being honest is not just about sparing the other person's feelings; it's about honoring your own integrity and fostering a culture of openness and respect in your relationships.

Rule 2: Don't Ghost Someone You Have a Deep or Long-term Connection With

Ghosting someone with whom you've shared significant moments, history, or a deep emotional bond is both cruel and disrespectful. Whether it's after a serious relationship, years of friendship, or even a marriage, these connections deserve an ending marked by dignity and closure.

Opt for a face-to-face conversation or, if that's not possible, at least a phone call. It's about giving and receiving the respect that every meaningful relationship warrants, ensuring that both parties can move forward with clarity and peace.

Rule 3: Don't Ghost Someone Who is Emotionally Vulnerable or Dependent on You

Choosing to ghost someone who is going through a difficult time or relies on you for emotional support is not only irresponsible but can also be devastating. For individuals struggling with depression, suicidal thoughts, or low self-esteem, the sudden absence of a supposed support system can lead to serious emotional harm.

If you find yourself in a situation where you must distance yourself, do so with compassion. Offer help, guidance, or referrals to professional resources. It's about being humane and recognizing the impact your actions can have on someone's well-being.

Rule 4: Don't Ghost Someone Who Deserves an Explanation or an Apology

Ghosting someone who has been wronged by you or has done nothing to deserve such treatment is unfair and cowardly. Situations where you might have lied, cheated, or betrayed someone warrant a conversation. They deserve to know where they stand, to hear your reasons, or to receive a sincere apology.

It's about accountability and maturity, about owning up to your actions and their consequences. This approach not only helps the other person find closure but also aids in your personal growth.

Rule 5: Don't Ghost Someone Who Won't Leave You Alone or Respect Your Boundaries

There are instances where ghosting may be justified and necessary, especially when dealing with someone who is abusive, manipulative, or refuses to respect your boundaries. In such cases, ghosting becomes a form of self-protection.

If you find yourself in a situation where you are threatened, stalked, or harassed, prioritizing your safety is paramount.

Blocking contact, reporting the behavior to authorities, or seeking legal action are steps you can take to protect yourself. Remember, no one should ever feel guilty for escaping a harmful situation.


Ghosting, as common as it is in our digital age, remains a complex and often problematic way to end relationships. However, by adhering to these rules, we can approach ghosting in a manner that is less harmful and more respectful to all parties involved.

It's important to acknowledge that ghosting is not always straightforward, and there may be exceptions and nuances to these guidelines. We invite you to share your thoughts, experiences, or questions about ghosting in the comments section.

Let's navigate this challenging aspect of modern relationships together, with empathy and understanding at the forefront.