7 Ways to Intentionally Love Your Spouse or Partner

Intentionally Love Your Spouse

Love is not just a feeling, it is also a choice. Every day, we have the opportunity to show our partner how much we love them by our actions and words. However, sometimes we may take our relationship for granted and forget to express our love in meaningful ways.

That is why it is important to practice intentional love, which means to love with purpose, attention, and effort. Intentional love can help us to strengthen our bond, deepen our intimacy, and overcome our challenges.

In this blog post, we will share with you 7 ways to intentionally love your spouse or partner.

1. Forgive everyday

No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. Sometimes, our partner may hurt us, disappoint us, or annoy us with their words or actions. However, holding on to anger, bitterness, or resentment can only harm our relationship and ourselves.

That is why we need to forgive our partner every day, and let go of the past. Forgiveness can heal our wounds, prevent conflicts, and foster peace in our relationship.

To practice forgiveness, we can try to understand our partner's perspective, empathize with their feelings, and communicate our needs and expectations. We can also express our forgiveness verbally or non-verbally, such as by saying "I forgive you", hugging, or kissing.

2. Give compliments

Everyone likes to receive compliments, especially from their partner. Compliments can boost our self-esteem, show our appreciation, and spark our romance. When we compliment our partner, we are telling them that we notice them, value them, and admire them.

To give effective compliments, we need to be genuine and specific. For example, instead of saying "You look nice today", we can say "You look stunning in that dress". We can also compliment our partner on their personality, skills, achievements, or efforts.

For example, we can say "You are so kind and generous", "You are amazing at your job", or "You did a great job with the kids today".

3. Keep a gratitude journal


Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions that can increase our happiness, reduce our stress, and enhance our relationship. When we are grateful for our partner and our marriage, we are focusing on the positive aspects of our life, rather than the negative ones. We are also acknowledging the value and significance of our partner and our relationship.

To cultivate gratitude, we can keep a gratitude journal, where we write down things that we are grateful for about our partner and our marriage. For example, we can write "I am grateful for my partner's support and encouragement", "I am grateful for the fun and laughter we share", or "I am grateful for the cozy and comfortable home we have".

4. Foster romance daily

Romance is not just for special occasions, it is for everyday life. Romance can help us to maintain our intimacy, passion, and connection with our partner. Romance can also make us feel loved, desired, and appreciated. To foster romance daily, we can show our physical affection to our partner, such as by holding hands, cuddling, or kissing.

We can also plan date nights, where we spend quality time with our partner, doing something fun, relaxing, or exciting. We can also surprise our partner with romantic gestures, such as by sending flowers, writing love notes, or cooking their favorite meal.

5. Be best friends

Friendship is the foundation of any successful relationship. It can provide us with support, comfort, and fun. In addition, it can also help us to overcome difficulties, share joys, and grow together. To be best friends with our partner, we need to share our interests, hobbies, and dreams with them.

For instance, we can try new things together, learn from each other, and challenge each other. However, we also need to be there for them in times of need, listen to them, comfort them, and encourage them.

6. Affair-proof your marriage

Fidelity is one of the most essential elements of a healthy and happy relationship. It can build trust, loyalty, and security. Moreover, it can also protect us from the pain, betrayal, and damage of infidelity. To affair-proof our marriage, we need to avoid temptations, such as by staying away from people or situations that may compromise our commitment.

We also need to set boundaries, such as by limiting our contact with the opposite sex, respecting our partner’s privacy, and being transparent about our activities. Furthermore, we also need to communicate openly with our partner, such as by expressing our feelings, needs, and desires, and addressing any issues or concerns.

7. Love unconditionally

Love unconditionally - Intentionally Love Your Spouse

Unconditional love is the highest form of love that we can give and receive. It means to love our partner without expectations, judgments, or conditions. In other words, it means to admire, appreciate, and value our partner for who they are, not who we want them to be. It also means to love our partner in good times and bad times, in sickness and health, and in joy and sorrow.

To love unconditionally, we need to be humble, patient, and compassionate. For example, we need to be supportive, understanding, and forgiving. However, we also need to be faithful, loyal, and committed.

Also read: 5 Areas of Loving Your Partner Intentionally


Intentional love is not something that happens by chance, it is something that we create by choice. By practicing these 7 ways, we can intentionally love our spouse and partner, and enjoy a more fulfilling, satisfying, and lasting relationship.

We encourage you to try out these 7 ways and share your feedback or experiences with us. How do you intentionally love your spouse and partner? What are the benefits of intentional love in your relationship? Let us know in the comments below!

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